Introducing Nautilus

Hi Everyone!

I’m incredibly excited to announce our newest module, Nautilus.
This one is really special :slight_smile:

Nautilus is a complex delay network inspired by sub-nautical communications and their interaction with the environment. In essence, Nautilus is a stereo delay consisting of 8 unique delay lines which can be connected and synced in interesting ways. Each time Nautilus pings its sonar system, the generated topography reveals itself through the delay, all while staying in time with the internal or external clock. Complex feedback interactions plunge sounds to new depths, while related delay lines pull fragments of sound in different directions. Manipulate the delay lines even further by configuring the the stereo receptors, sonar frequencies, and aquatic materials that filter the space between Nautilus and its surroundings.

Though Nautilus is a delay effect at heart, it is also a CV/Gate generator. The Sonar Output creates either a unique Gate signal, or a unique CV signal algorithmically generated from Nautilus’s findings. Drive other parts of your patch with pings from the delay network, or use the generated topography as a modulation source.From the deep ocean trenches, to shimmering tropical reefs, Nautilus is the ultimate exploratory delay network.

  • Ultra low noise floor
  • 8 codependent delay lines with up to 20 seconds of audio each
  • Fade, Doppler and Shimmer delay modes
  • Sonar configurable CV/Gate output

A portion of all Nautilus proceeds will go towards the effort to preserve our ocean and coastal environments through the Surfrider Foundation.

Head on over to the site, where we have audio demos, a quickstart guide, and more!


Beautiful, your most beautiful module :+1: The Sonar output is a very interesting feature :+1:

The boomerang effect of sanctions are starting to weigh on me, I can’t afford to invest in modules anymore. I hope it will be a success for your company.

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I saw this announcement and immediately returned the other delay module I just bought:)


This looks incredibly fun! Congratulations! Haven’t seen any modules in the past year or so that have grabbed me and made me excited to try out until this one.


I got my Nautilus the other day, and I had some ideas for future firmware updates. I’m not sure if this is the place to share them, but I didn’t see any other place so:

  1. Unclocked mode. Resolution controls total time, rather than divisions of the clock. I’d like to be able to sweep the time continuously.

  2. Purge as kill wet. I really like using the purge button, but I wish it functioned as a gate (clearing the buffers as long as it was pressed – I haven’t tried sending a gate to this input yet, so I’m not sure if it responds differently to CV) rather than a trigger. I think it could be used for some dramatic effects if this were possible as a configurator option, perhaps? Maybe you could even assign a fade in/out time for the buffer purging?

I’m really enjoying the module, but I figured Qu-Bit sort of seems like a place where user suggestions are valued, so I thought I’d give it a go :slight_smile:



Thanks for your feedback!
This is definitely the right place for it.

I really like the idea of an unclocked mode.

We will add these to the list for future firmware updates!


I see Nautilus is daisy seed based also…any chance at a SDK similar to Aurora? Would love to be able to get access to those awesome leds (3rd output & all those buttons…) !!!


This phrase is not finished on the manual

I do like this idea very much, I use it constantly on Norns Cheat Codes script.

Basically setting a delay line to 100% feedback or freeze (either could work on Nautilus I guess, but looks freeze would fit best), holding Purge would delete that part from the buffer while pressed, creating manual stutter effects on the next passes, super fun to make rhythms with it.

On Cheat Codes you have a button for L and R channels separately as momentary 0% feedback (same as what Purgue would do in this scenario), so the rhythm can also be different on each channel. Would be amazing if another button could be repurposed as Purge for another channel to get that buffer stutter effect separately.

With Freeze activated, feedback mode button seems to be unused, so it could work as L purge while Purge be R purge.


Another firmware suggestion:

I’m really enjoying the shimmer delays, both up and down. But I find that if I don’t use the low-pass chroma for the shimmer up regeneration, things quickly devolve into screeches. And if I don’t use the high-pass chroma for the shimmer down regeneration, things quickly devolve into rumbly growls. So, if I employ one or the other, then I’m pretty limited in how I can employ the chroma feature.

I could run everything through a filter, but that would filter my dry signal as well. I could run the module totally wet and create my wet/dry mix with a mixer, then filter only the wet signal, but…

What if there was an option to set additional, fixed high- or low-pass filter in the feedback loop, separate from the chroma, via the configurator?

Unlike the chroma filter, this wouldn’t be a modulatable parameter; it would just be (essentially) a limiter for the pitch-shifted repeats. I don’t know how feasible this is, DSP-wise, but it would make the shimmer features a lot more flexible (from my perspective).



Christopher is on a spot on suggestion spree :slight_smile:

Just wanted to add that it could fit on the UI in any of the attenuverters, configured via Narwhal as LP/HP filter (no filter at noon) pretty much like in Data Bender.

IMHO this would not only benefit the shimmers, also the bit crushing, saturator, wavefolding and distortion, as these introduce harmonics and bass peaks that could be tamed with further filtering on the wet chain. As Christopher said, the difference would be CV control and a bigger knob for the Chroma filters so the overlap is not that big.

And additionally, even both Chroma filters could gain flexibility having another filter as you’d get (I think, assuming the same architecture) 8 pole low pass, 8 pole high pass or both low pass and high pass at once, one of them CV controlable.

I’m having a hard time thinking where this additional filter could be a bad idea. Maybe when it’s set pass the Chroma filter cutoff and Depth doesn’t change the output? Still, this wound’t be a default setup and there are way more interesting applications with shimmer and other Chromas.


Hi folks - I’m keen to take the Nautilus for a spin but I’m not finding it with any of your UK suppliers - DV247 are EU based and can apparently get me one for December - yikes. Normally retailers would have the module for preorder even if they didnt have it yet but it’s a ghost town out there. I did see that Elevator had 1 or 2 briefly.

Has a shipment been taken captive by pirates? :ocean: :octopus: :pirate_flag: Any eta would be good - cheers! :slight_smile:

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Both Juno and Elevator Sound have shipments arriving with the next couple weeks.

You may want to check in with them about securing a unit ahead of time.

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Thank you! I’ve let Elevator know I’m interested

Thank you for pointing that out! Seems to have been a text box issue that has been fixed :slight_smile: Here is the updated manual linked on the product page.

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Nautilus is beautiful, very much enjoying it! Thank you Qubit :hugs:
A couple of chroma suggestions, Id definetly agree to add a lp/hp filter ontop of chroma to tame the extra harmonics frm the other modes.
Id also love to have a lofi/tape simulation that adds some hiss, wow and flutter and some compression to the signal. would be great if it would get more hissy, pitch warbly and compressed the higher you turn Chroma.
I also think having the resolution input track 1vOct would be super fun for Doppler mode. Then you would be able to play back the delays at certain pitches. I love programming my pitches to jump between half speed and double speed to get musically related pitch delays.


Ooh these are some solid suggestions, and could be easily configurable in the Narwhal app.

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I’m really enjoying my Nautilus. However, I have found that even with only a single active delay line and Dispersal all the way CCW, there is an offset between the left and right delay frequencies. The longer the delay time, the more evident this is, especially in Cascade mode. Is this the intended response? I would like to be able to adjust the left and right delay times to be in synch for the purpose of Frippertronic style looping of a stereo source. Is that possible? If not, could this be added to the next update? It seems logical to me that the left and right channels should be in synch with dispersal fully CCW.

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Stumbled onto this post on reddit.
Would be possible to power external gear from the USB of Nautilus?
Safe? Not recommended? Warranty voider? :smiling_face_with_tear:

We haven’t done any official testing to see how this affects the hardware, what the threshold is for other USB powered devices, etc., so we can’t give it the official Qu-Bit stamp of approval/include it in the warranty.

That being said, we tested the SQ-1 being powered by Nautilus, and it seemed to work just fine (this was a plug it in and see what happens test, we did not collect any additional data other than to see if it worked). Powered up, drove a sequence, and Nautilus continued to work as intended. Soooo, take that as you will for now :eyes:

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I’ll test with a 16n faderbank. An official stance would be very welcomed :slight_smile: