Introducing Nautilus

It was in talks early in Aurora development that one of our goals was to be able to power external gear via the USB port. We will continue to work towards an official stance on this!

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Hey, we wanted to follow up on the USB power draw question! Both Nautilus and Aurora can support up to 500mA of power draw from external devices using the USB port. Note that this will be added draw from your eurorack power supply. We will update both manuals to include this information!

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Hello. I feel the difference in volume between dry and wet sounds. Wet sound feels small. Will this be fixed? It would be nice to combine send/return with VCA, but there is no space.

Ah great! Thanks for the official stance :smiley:
Now I can more flexibility of the 1.5A available on my 5V rail

I’m still really curious whether Qu-Bit can revise the Dispersal behavior to synch the left and right delay lines when the knob is fully counter clockwise and only one sensor is active. I like having the ability to adjust the offset between the left and right channels, but sometimes I just want them to be in synch. Is there any chance Qu-Bit can update the firmware for this behavior or make it a configuration option?

Also, I found that Purge doesn’t work as expected. It appears to clear most of the material on the delay lines, but not all. Or maybe it completely clears some of the delay lines, but not all - I’m not sure exactly what is happening. With longer delay times, if I change the input, then press purge, I still hear repeats from the original input.