Surface is very quiet

I love my Surface, but it is very very quiet, I recently got a make noise XPO and holy smokes the difference in volume is crazy. Is this just me or is anyone experiencing this with their Surface?

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Hey @Rob, welcome to the forum! In case your Surface isn’t on the most recent firmware, you can download the firmware here and watch the video below to learn how to update your Surface (it updates the same way as Data Bender) This might help with your Surface’s amplitude, since some units in the past have experienced lower amplitude levels on older hardware revisions:

Surface Firmware v1.2.4

Surface as a physical modeling voice tends to be a bit more quiet than freerunning oscillators like the XPO or Qu-Bit Chord, so it’s important to remember when doing things like mixing audio levels within your modular!

Thanks @michael I am getting Blue,Green, Purple lights on boot, which if I understand the manual correctly, would indicate that I’m already on v1.2.4

When I use surface I’m def mixing to balance it out with the other modules, but the difference to me does feel quite large. Maybe I’ll make a video and share it so you can see what I mean.