Re-discovering QuBit Data-bender

Hi friends,
This is my first topic in this forum. Great to have a dedicated one for QuBit modules.

I had a time when data-bender was in a step to be sold, but thanks to one of my friends I’ve re-discover it for sequences and ambient music.
I think it is brilliant module. For that I decided to film a video showing some of its features.
Clock signal seems to be a must to keep the fx in coherence with sequences.
I love the way “corrupt” saturation mode works for dull sources.

Hope the video could help deciding to keep it in your racks!

Re-discovering QuBit Data-bender



I like hooking up a CD player, input spilt, into Doepfer A-119 Ext-In, and take the gate out to clock Data-Bender…
Program material stereo input to Data-Bender…
I put KW’s Computer World through the patch and haven’t been able to switch it off to get anything else done since…:grimacing::+1:

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Welcome to the forum @morphido, and thank you for sharing your video! I love seeing people utilize the softer side of Data Bender. Really showcases its versatility.