Question about LEGACY OCTONE

Well, I am sure this forum doesn’t get many questions about the Octone, but to be honest, it is one of the few modules I have had from the start, and it will never leave my case. However, after all this time, I have never tried a few things, and now I wonder if it is possible.

I would love to be able to “hold a note.” There is a section in the manual on this, but I do not think it is what I am looking for. Say I have a “D” note on the first step, and I would like to hold that note for the first two steps, basically, tie the notes together- is that possible?

Also, I have never played around with the Glide knob until this morning, and when I did, it seemed to have no effect on the pitch output at all. Do I have a defective Glide?

I’d be happy to answer your questions!

  1. The note holding feature on Octone is a bit different than what you’re seeking. In order to tie notes together on Octone, you would have to set the two steps pitch data to be the same, and only have the first note’s gate trigger active. This would create the note hold effect you are looking for, but there is no way on Octone to perform this type of note hold otherwise.

  2. Your Glide should work as expected, e.g. you turn Glide up and the pitch out begins gliding between steps. It is possible that there is a hardware issue with your Glide pot, and we’d be happy to take a look at it n our shop. I sent you a DM to get the process started.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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Thank you for the reply! I will reach out via the support link you gave regarding my Glide. As to the “held” note, I tried having the first step be active, which is an “A” note. On the second step, I also have an “A” note, but the gate trigger is deactivated. But when I play the sequence, the second step simply acts as a rest, and the note from step one does not carry over. Oh well. If you could tie the notes together, this would be my favorite sequencer ever- it’s just so easy and user-friendly.