Pulsar clock issues

Hey so got this module last week, have to say of all the modules I have from you guys this one im finding incredibly difficult to wrap my head around, would be awesome if there was an in depth video but things were kinda fine until the other day where it seemed to just stop receiving an external clock, with all the button mashing and yelling I have been doing its entirely possible I something and just dont know what I did, also seemingly out of the blue when I switch from Asynchronous to Synchronous the patter will just stop running snd nothing I do will get it advance, I have to reset the channel, turn the loop on then im back to it not receiving an external clock, any help with this issue would be fantastic cause while incredibly frustrating this thing was cool till that stuff started, thank you

Hey @DrDMT, I’m sorry to hear about your external clock issues!

To confirm, you can switch between Pulsar using it’s internal clock or receiving an external clock by holding down the CHANNEL button and pressing down the RATE/CLK encoder. Is this button combo not working for you?

Lol so looks like I skipped over that in the manual so that worked but just so I fully understand whats exactly happening so I dont so it again what would cause all 4 channels to jump off the external clock at the same time because thats what seemed to happen, 2nd question as far as the Sync and Async thing goes I understand the function of that but what would cause it to completely stop advancing when I go into Async mode on a channel?

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2nd question as far as the Sync and Async thing goes I understand the function of that but what would cause it to completely stop advancing when I go into Async mode on a channel?

I am assuming you are trying to get the channels to loop, but in order for a channel to loop as opposed to only run when triggered, select the channel and press down the LENGTH encoder. This will loop the channel regardless of whether or not the channel is in Sync or Async mode!

Right yeah that I understand what has happened a few times though after I switched from sync ti async or vice versa cant quite remember I found the 1 channel I was using just stopped all together, didn’t matter if I looped it or not there would be no movement, hitbthe burst button and nothing would happened however if I stuck a gate into the burst jack it would start to play again, I would just reset the channel thing would be cool then after switching again the channel would shut down, cant say it happened on all the channels as I was just working with the 1 channel when that happened

I dont think there is anything wrong with the module, im just trying to understand what exactly I may be doing to cause that

Is there a chance that the channel is muted? You can mute/unmute a channel by holding down the CHANNEL button and pressing the ABSORB button.

Im thinking not because when I have muted the channels I noticed that the led will still lit up, I should have mentioned that when this happens there are no leds, even when a gate into the burst jack and it runs there will be no led at all, ill give it a run through muting and unmuting though, regardless im finding this a very fun module , just wanna get this little issue ironed out, its not a constant thing which made me think perhaps im hitting some combo of buttons