Pre-sale question about Chord V2 and Bloom

Hello everyone, I’m gathering info before purchasing Chord V2 and Bloom (and possibly Data Bender and Nautilus as well, but those look more straightforward :D)

About Chord V2:

I’m reading Chord manual and I see that I can program my own custom chords by editing a file on the SD card or by turning the knobs while in chord editing mode.

Is there a particular mode where I can send a cv sequence that makes me select these custom chords?

My understanding is that I could program two parallel cv sequences (for example in Bloom) and send one to Quality cv input and the other to VOct cv input. The first one would select my custom chords progression and the second one would determine their root notes.

Is this correct?

And also, is there a separate Custom Chords bank or by saving my custom chords I would erase the default chords?

About Bloom:

When turning clockwise the mutation, branches and path knobs, is the module generating new notes according to the selected scale or is it always going chromatically regardless of the scale?

Thanks a lot!

Hey @luca, welcome to the forum! I’d be happy to answer your questions.

Yes, you understand correctly. In order to have control over the Quality knob, all you need to do is turn off Chord’s Harm Mode button (LED off). This will let you send CV to Quality, and allow you to change the chord quality to what you desire in-time with your sequence.

Custom chords are saved on the SD card, inside the options.txt file. They are only accessibly on the module when holding the Harm button for 3 seconds. You’ll know you are using your custom chords when the LEDs at the top of the module are white. The default chords are always on the module, and you can only have 1 set of custom chords on the module at a time.

All of Bloom’s notes are quantized in real-time by the Scale function. This means that a Minor scale sequence playing on Bloom will immediately jump to a different scale, with all the notes adjusting accordingly. It will not “play-out” the minor scale notes before introducing the new scale’s notes.

Let me know if you need additional clarification on any of these answers, or if you want to see some examples of the modules in action showcasing these specific functions!

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Thanks for the answers, I’ve just placed an order :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome, and I’m excited for you to try out your new modules! Don’t hesitate to ask questions once you receive them too