Nebulae v2 Raspberry Pi 4

Hi to all!
I’ve bought a new Nebulae V2 with an updated Raspberry Pi 4 instead of my old Nebulae V2 with Pi 3B.
Does current consuption of the new one differ from the older?
Is the daughter board the same across all the boards?
If yes, is it possible to put a spare Pi 4 2GB on the old one?
As a developer, slightly more processing would be a benefit!
Many thanks in advance.

Current consumption is the same on both versions of the Pi.

You can replace the Pi 4 on an older unit, but it will need the most current version of the firmware installed on the micro SD card.

Hope this helps!

Many thanks for your response.
Is the latest sd image available to download?
Is it the same one on the Qu-Bit site?

Hey, do you mean the “Firmware 2.1.2” on the product-page? - If so, as a user, I can at least say: no, that’s not the Image. You get that from QuBit-Support directly or you find someone to have uploaded it elsewhere.

I did the latter and used Balena Etcher as advised and it had it’s kinks on the Nebulae V2 until I just took the Firmware Update that is deployed via the USB as an additional refreshment, which did the job :wink:

In other words: Better to ask the official support instead of fooling around the net.

Qu Bit actually put their SD image in the Support Page of their site.

(My Nebulae v2 cycles between white and aqua LEDs — Qu-Bit Electronix)

Was wondering if this one would be compatible with the latest Pi 4.

Oh great, I did not see that!

And I’d be interested, if this one is the right image for a newer rev. of the RasPi, too…