Nautilus problem : No sound

Hi everyone!
I’m a french modularist since few years, and yesterday I receive my Nautilus.
It is powering, leds reacts to the controls, but no sound…
I tried with differents sound sources, new cables, different buses in my racks, but still no sound.
And no idea if the problem comes from the input or the output…
Just no sound…
I just wrote to the Qu-Bit team with the contact page, but with the holidays, I understand that I will not receive any answer right now, so I send an SOS to the community!
Hope you will help me to solve my problem soon!
Thanx and happy new year!


Hello, the same here, received today, In france too,all seems working,lights ect but no sound :frowning:

Salut Nico,
Le support de Qu-bit m’a demandé de leur envoyer des photos du modules et une vidéo du problème, je viens de leur faire un WeTransfer.
Ils seront dispos à partir du 2 janvier, je te tiendrai au jus!

merci,mais en fait de mon coté c’est bon ,il fonctionne, il demandait juste a etre un peu apprivoisé,et je le kiffe deja.
J’espere que ton probleme sera vite resolu

Et du coup, tu as fait quoi pour qu’il marche??

ben rien de special, je m’étais peu etre un peu précipité j’avoue…

@Nico I’m glad you were able to get your Nautilus working! @MATSYA if you are still having issues with your Nautilus I’ll make sure to ping Support to get you a swift response now that we are back from the holidays.