Nautilus "frozen on white"

Hi there,

I’ve been enjoying my new Nautilus a lot, but this morning it ceased to power up properly, the panel LEDs remaining white and not pulsing, with no signal passing through. I tried reinstalling firmware, but no luck. My power seems to be ok. Any ideas?


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Hey @compositeur, welcome to the forum! I’m sorry to hear your Nautilus is acting finicky, I’d be happy to troubleshoot with you.

Would you be able to link to a video of you powering on your Nautilus, but showing the back of the module in the video when powering on?

I want to see the Daisy Seed’s behavior (the black backpack board on the bottom of the module), specifically the LEDs, when powering on. It should give us a better idea of what’s going on!

Here’s a 30-second video. I can make a longer one if need be, but i didn’t see any further LED activity after this.

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This video is perfect. It seems that, based on the LED behavior on the back, that the Daisy Seed has had a hardware failure. Luckily, all we will have to do to remedy this is ship you a new Seed to place on your Nautilus!

I’ll DM you about some extra info to get the process started, and we’ll get that Seed replacement shipped out asap!