I purchased a Nautilus the other day and qualified for the Nano Rand, which I am super stoked to get. This morning I decided I wanted to get a Data Bender. Would that count towards spending $750 and getting a free Surface? I know they are two separate transactions but if they occur during the promotion, does it count? When I put the Data Bender in my cart, it adds another Nano Rand. Or can my original order be canceled and then I just re-place my order and add the Data Bender? Today is the last day of the promotion, so I am not sure I will get an answer in time. :frowning_face:

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Hello! Iā€™d be happy to help out so you can get the Data Bender and the free Surface. I sent you a DM to follow up on this.

Awesome! Thanks you- I sent a reply to the DM.