Getting started - Qu-Bit explorations from Knobs

Hi, i am new to modular and i saw the video from knobs on youtube.
I checked the prices buying all thomse modules is a bit steep.

With what modules can i start to create those nice sounds from the beginning?


data bender

be sufficient?

i have an octatrack to sequence

Thank you

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Hey @likethatjazz, welcome to the forum!

So glad you ran across the knobs video, it’s such a creative use of our modules, and we hope you found it inspiring!

Your short list of modules would be a perfect start since you have the essentials plus a bit extra for fun experimentation: a full synth voice (Surface), modulation (Chance), and effects (Data Bender)!

With Surface’s 7 models, you can actually create huge soundscapes with this small setup using Chance to modulate Surface, and capturing and manipulating audio with Data Bender. Definitely a solid beginning to modular!