French manual for Chords V2 and Data Bender

Hey community, this one os for the french speakers : I’ve done a trusty translation of both the Chord v2 and Data Bender manuals. They have shortcuts/links to the different sections. Please send me an email to audiorial (at) gmail (dot) com if youneed a copy.

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Hey @ADR, welcome to the forum! That is so great of you to share your translated manuals for our modules! If they are .pdf files, I just authorized them to be uploaded on the forum.

Feel free to include them as downloads for users to grab both now and in the future!

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Hey Michael, sure, there are viewable/downloadable there :

Chord : Qu-Bit Electronix Chord - Manuel de l'utilisateur.pdf - Google Drive

Data Bender : Qu-Bit Electronix Data Bender - Manuel de l'utilisateur.pdf - Google Drive

they are almost clones of the original with a few improvments (shortcuts on the panel to the corresponding sections).

Hope that’ll help some souls :slight_smile:


This is wonderful. Thank you again, @ADR !!

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