Custom Harmonization Firmware Update

There was discussion of allowing users to specify the way Chord harmonized, presumably via the config file. I emailed about this in May of 2019, then in June of 2020. Andrew related on both occasions that this was in the works.

As someone who still really likes their v2, I would love to see this feature finally realized! I see you have a forum now, so I figure it’s worth asking again here. Is this still under consideration?

Yes, this was in the works but got upended by the chip shortage.

We had to do a few different hardware revisions in order to keep the Chord in stock, which makes firmware updates problematic due to the multiple hardware in the field.

Would you mind sharing a photo of the back of your module?

We may be able to provide an update that you can use.

Hi @andrewikenberry. That does make sense, but is also unfortunate. Here’s my module back:

Thanks for sharing the photo!

Can you describe your ideal functionality in detail?

We talked over the application a little bit and wondered if it’s possible to achieve your desired results by setting the correct scale on your sequencer and then just using the Chord in harmonize mode major.

That should provide all modes of the major scale excluding minor, since minor has the dominant chord quality on the 5th scale degree.

Hey there. Im not the guy, but here’s a take:

Allow to add scales to config file where numbers correspond to notes.

So chromatic from C would look like:
Custom_scale: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

G minor
Custom_scale: 8,10,11,1,3,4,6
G=8, A=10, etc.
First note always defines root. I guess you can quantise 1v/oct to the scale. So C# would be quantised to C or D (1 and 3) - etc. Kind of the same way you define a custom chord.

Other way is to use interval patterns and then tune to the root.
G minor: 1,0.5,1,1,0.5,1,1

both would probably allow for microtuning, with 8.25 etc, or 0.25 steps. I personally like 1st more, because it doesn’t need to mess with tuning, which you can use for other purposes.

I guess the main factor is how much you would want to make module independent from the incoming note, as currently 1v/oct defines root, so having a root note in the scale raises a question how would you use it. “interval” version feels like it already has the solution, as base C4 incoming signal would always be the root based on the scale.

But having a root note “baked” into the scale and quantize any input just to scale would give a lot of possibility to just sending anything to 1v/oct and get a something in desired scale with desired root, but it seems like a different approach to current application of quantization.

Main application is getting to work with some weird scales, like ethnic etc. I would like to use for example japanese In-sen which is D D# G A A#. I’m not sure how to use it currently. Tuning to D, turning minor mode and add some custom chords which would represent notes inside the scale? Can’t wrap my head around it and not sure if it will work with the input to 1v/oct

Custom scales are required to add a different feel to the harmonies produced by the module, as it seems like combo of minor/major with different tuning are quite more of the same. Imagine making a wavetable bank reminiscen of tibetan throat singing, dropping a tibetan-sounding scale on it, and giving it a spin. It wouldn’t sound good without specific tuning and/or scale.

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I think this would be a neat addition to Chord, as navigating the root note, v/oct input, and custom chords can add layers of patch complexity to get the desired result.

Regarding the In-sen scale, have you tried throwing a quantizer in prior to the v/oct input on Chord, specifically one that let’s you choose what notes can be played? Something like the Intellijel Scales or the Mosaic Quantizer?