Chord Custom Wavetables

Hi folks,
Firs time poster. Had both Chords for a long time now and just started to play around with custom wavetables.
The problem I have is that Chord will not load any of the custom WAV files I have put in the root. I have downloaded the WAV files from Qubit site and I know the card is working because I have changed some of the config settings and they take effect.
Any reason why the wavetables dont work.

Just to give some indication of what I’m doing;

  1. Power off
  2. Insert SD card with two files in the root, one is WAV file and other is custom settings file
  3. Power on
  4. Press mode button for 3 seconds and lights go white
  5. Sound emitted is the stock factory setting sound (albeit a bit muted)
  6. If I press mode again for 3 seconds the lights go off and same sounds come back just a lot louder.

Any suggestions?


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Hey @Manic_Modular, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your issue!

I’d like to confirm a couple things before moving forward. Does your Chord v2 have a little yellow backpack on the back of the module, or is there no backpack?

Also, which WAV files from our site have you downloaded to test? I’d like to make sure there aren’t any issues with those files in particular.

And, does your Chord v2 work as expected using the original custom wavetable file that ships with the module? You can try the original file here.

Hi @michael thanks for the feedback.

The chord does not have any yellow back pack, the print on the board is Rev 4 2020 if that helps.

The WAV files I downloaded were on the page Chord v2 Wavetables — Qu-Bit Electronix Comprising both the QuBit ones and Radnik ones. I can play them on my laptop and they all work fine. I have been through most of them in the Chord and Chord does not play anything except the stock tones.

It plays fine with e original factory tones, no issue, I would just like to use it with some new sounds :slight_smile:


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Thank you for the information!

By chance, are you downloading the .wav files from a Mac computer?

If so, this is likely the culprit. MacOS includes a hidden copy of the .wav file. Since Chord requires 1 .wav file on the SD card to operate normally, this will cause issues. My recommendation is to remove any hidden files from the SD card prior to ejecting the SD card from the computer.

Well funnily enough I did use a Mac to download them and had a look at hidden files. There were only hidden folders and not a copy of the WAV file but I deleted them all anyway……but unfortunately no joy, no change.

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I’m sorry to hear that! Let’s try one last thing:

Open the “Terminal” application.

Navigate to your SD card in the terminal by using the following command:
Do not include the < or >. Just drag the sd card folder into the terminal so that the path is copied.

Press enter

Then enter the following command exactly as it is written (no spaces):
rm .* .wav .* .WAV

Press enter

Let me know if this works!

Hi Michael,

It didn’t work, although not sure I did the procedure correctly as I got the following Terminal message. Unfortunately Im not savvy in code so no idea what its really telling me.

Jasons-MacBook-Air:~ Jasonmba$ cd

Jasons-MacBook-Air:~ Jasonmba$ /Volumes/NO\ NAME/Chord

-bash: /Volumes/NO NAME/Chord: is a directory

Jasons-MacBook-Air:~ Jasonmba$ rm .* .wav .* .WAV

rm: “.” and “…” may not be removed

rm: .CloudStation: is a directory

rm: .MakeMKV: is a directory

rm: .Trash: is a directory

rm: .android: is a directory

rm: .bash_sessions: is a directory

rm: .config: is a directory

rm: .cups: is a directory

rm: .dropbox: is a directory

rm: .filezilla: is a directory

rm: .mplayer: is a directory

rm: .oracle_jre_usage: is a directory

rm: .plex: is a directory

rm: .plexht: is a directory

rm: .swt: is a directory

rm: .tqsl: is a directory

rm: .wav: No such file or directory

rm: .CloudStation: is a directory

rm: .MakeMKV: is a directory

rm: .Trash: is a directory

rm: .android: is a directory

rm: .bash_sessions: is a directory

rm: .config: is a directory

rm: .cups: is a directory

rm: .dropbox: is a directory

rm: .filezilla: is a directory

rm: .mplayer: is a directory

rm: .oracle_jre_usage: is a directory

rm: .plex: is a directory

rm: .plexht: is a directory

rm: .swt: is a directory

rm: .tqsl: is a directory

rm: .WAV: No such file or directory

Jasons-MacBook-Air:~ Jasonmba$

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So this is specifically how you’ll want to type the command in:

“cd Volumes/NO\ NAME/”

This should direct your terminal to the correct spot.

Sorry to be wasting your time Michael, here’s the result of the command (I changed the USB drive name to one word, NAME)…

Jasons-MacBook-Air:~ Jasonmba$ cd /Volumes/NAME

Jasons-MacBook-Air:NAME Jasonmba$ rm .* .wav .* .WAV

rm: “.” and “…” may not be removed

rm: .Spotlight-V100: is a directory

rm: .Trashes: is a directory

rm: .fseventsd: is a directory

rm: .wav: No such file or directory

rm: .Spotlight-V100: is a directory

rm: .Trashes: is a directory

rm: ._chord_config.txt: No such file or directory

rm: ._chord_custom_wavetables.wav: No such file or directory

rm: .fseventsd: is a directory

rm: .WAV: No such file or directory

Jasons-MacBook-Air:NAME Jasonmba$

Let’s try this option instead:

In terminal, cd to the same SD card with the same command as above.

Once there type this command:

rm ._[name of wav file].wav

And example would be: rm ._chord_custom_wavetables.wav
Pressing enter on this command should remove the invisible wav file, and hopefully all should work as intended!

Here is the terminal response

Jasons-MacBook-Air:~ Jasonmba$ cd /Volumes/NAME/

Jasons-MacBook-Air:NAME Jasonmba$ rm ._chord_custom_wavetables.wav

rm: ._chord_custom_wavetables.wav: No such file or directory

Jasons-MacBook-Air:NAME Jasonmba$

No change when I put the SD card back in Chord

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And to confirm, the name of the .wav file you are trying to use is chord_custom_wavetables.wav?

That portion of the file name needs to match whichever wav file you are trying to upload. So you have a better idea of what MacOS is doing here, See the two screenshots of the same SD card below:



Note how the “._” variant of the file is visible on Windows.