BLOOM Sequencer - Ratcheting and External Clocking and SWING

The ratcheting for this module seems to only repeat notes and not divide the note count per clocked step. I would like to see either a NOTE divide (per step) implemented OR ratcheting where the individual clocked step could be divided and the ratchet steps would fit into this clocked step. This would result in much more interesting sequences that would sound less ROBOTIC.

As well, when clocking externally, there is no way to CV the rate - I am wondering if BLOOM will respond to external clocking changes fast enough if I change the clocking of the external source.

Thirdly, there is no way to introduce SWING? Can you do this by clocking it externally with a SWING tempo?

Suggestions? Thanks - I think that the module has great potential but at this point I am struggling with how reduce the ROBOTIC nature of what I am getting from it - but then I am just starting to use it…much more experimentation is probably required.

I was thinking that a possible work around for creating divided clock step ratchets might be to use TIED notes with RACHETING set for all notes and then TIE the ones that you don’t want to ratchet and increase the clock speed - a pain I think - but I will try it.

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I actually am making great progress with Bloom - I have discovered that I can easily make RACHETs work the way I was hoping by dividing up the steps into 3 - for example, an 8 beat sequence would actually have 24 steps. Then I have options to mute some of the steps or increase the gates on some so they are tied since you can adjust the gates on a per step basis. Syncopation can also be introduced by turning off certain steps within each beat. I am planning on making some step-by-step tutorials to share with others soon as my journey with BLOOM evolves. Please let me know if you have any ideas as well!


Hey @Brainthrill, and welcome to the forum!

These are excellent ideas for Bloom, and we have considered them before for a possible firmware update.

The ratchet nomenclature used on Bloom found its origins in its predecessor Octone, which also labeled its note repeating feature as “ratchets”. The function itself is a note repeat, as oppose to a subdivided set of notes. We apologize for the confusion on this functionality, and will keep it in mind for future revisions.

That being said, your work around for ratchets would be a possible solution. You could also use an external gate sequencer, though that would take the functionality outside of Bloom which is not ideal.

Another solution would be to set the clock multiplication up to your desired ratchet division. For example, if you want 1/16 note ratchets, set your channel div/mult rate to x4, set your per-step ratchets to 4, and leave 3 deactivated steps between each non ratcheted note. I created a graphic below illustrating the example:

By having the ratchet’s on the single note, as oppose to activating four notes in the sequence, the ratchet’s will take into account note variations when introducing Mutation or Branches. This method can be confusing since you have to account for the absolute note amount to stay in time (The Trunk sequence is 13 steps long even though the time signature is 4/4).

If you are changing the rate of the external clock, Bloom will update in time when the channel is set to x1. If you are dividing or multiplying the channel, Bloom requires 2 clock signals to determine the clock rate which it needs to divide or multiply. This can cause a 1 step latency, since Bloom cannot predict the future clock rate that will be inputted.

For swing, you would need to externally clock Bloom, and have your Div/Mult set to x1.

Hope this helps, and that you continue enjoying your Bloom!

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Wow - thanks for your detailed response! I am going to try these things this weekend! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This is an interesting thread, and certainly, these questions have come to my mind. I would love to see a more complex ratcheting and the ability to divide/multiply individual steps.
I also have recently started to use Bloom and I like the general idea. Still getting my head around some bits.
Do please consider these options for future updates.
Thanks so much

I agree with the requests above about Swing & Ratchets

Just wondering when you will be releasing a firmware update for BLOOM. I have decided that I can live without lack of proper step divisions for ratcheting! (I can use a separate burst generator if needed) The swing part hopefully can be controlled via the CLOCK CV although I have not gotten around to testing it.

I think my two top feature requests for an updated firmware would be:

  1. A diatonic scale mode for the ROOT CV - in other words, instead of changing the entire key (modulation) that the root CV would move notes up using the modes: IONIAN, DORIAN, PHYGIAN etc… keeping the same key centre. If that mode would be available for the ROOT CV that would be a home run! As well, the Paths/Branches settings would select notes from those modes as well.

  2. The second thing I would like to request is that the CLOCK RATE KNOB would be come a CLOCK multiplier/divider for the whole module (or the current pattern) when an external clock is used. That would give us CV control over the rate which would also give us the ability to create ratcheting/division behaviour.

Maybe these requests are not possible since … but I am sure it doesn’t hurt to request them.

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FIRMWARE REQUEST! Another request for real ratcheting, in performance mode - I always use external clock on the Bloom from Pams and although I could use Steppy for proper ratchets, having it built into Bloom would be amazing… mainly because in performance mode I love changing pattern lengths on the fly along with notes (the main reason I got it) all using 1 left hand, BUT it would be fantastic if somehow using one hand I could add double/triple/quad gates to notes - eg: as you currently do, ‘SHIFT, single click RATCHET’ then you can make any step in the sequence repeat 1,2,3 etc times by rotating step pots clockwise, and getting the blue lights … but imagine 1) The sequence continues and 2) you could rotate them counter clockwise and voila, divisions of the gate! Perhaps a purple colour, 1 blue light single gate as normal, two purples ‘double gate’ three purples ‘triple gate’ etc: PLEASE!!

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