Aurora line level

So first off I have to say this module is absolutely stunning, my jaw has been on the floor since I got it the other day with the sounds coming out of it, my question is I have a buddy on mine who was wondering what a guitar would sound like through it, im extremely new to modular so was wondering is that even an option for this? And if so what would be the proper setting for it


Hey @DrDMT, welcome to the forum!

You can just Aurora’s input level to line level by holding the Shift button and turning the Mix knob. Here is the section describing it in the manual:

Note that you may need to boost your signal even more to run a guitar (instrument level) straight into Aurora, but this will get you a lot closer!

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Ok so I did try it over the weekend and yes absolutely correct need to boost the siganl but had a blast running a guitar through, cant stress enough how incedible this module is, you guys did an amazing job creating something that is just absolutely beautiful, the sounds and the look of it, bravo Qu-Bit


That’s so great that you got it to work, and are happy with the results. Modules that keep giving and surprising are my favorites, of course.
Did you record any of it? We’d love to hear it!

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