Any word on Aurora?

I’m excited for Aurora – any word on when it might be released?

Thanks for your excitement and welcome to the forum!

The short answer is we’re #workinonit and hoping to have Aurora out in April/May.

Spectral processing eats up a lot of CPU cycles and we are fine tuning parameters for a good tradeoff between audio fidelity, control response, and feature set. With that being said, the audio results have been super exciting and entering territory that I haven’t found in the Eurorack FX domain yet. The combination between blur, freeze, and warp produces incredible timbres unique to FFT processing (and once combined with the reverb algorithm creates instant whale songs! ).

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we wrap this up.
I know it’s been a long dev process but we really wanted to give this module the time it deserves and we think you’ll be glad we did!

Stay tuned on the forum, as we’ll be posting dev updates from time to time!


Awesome! Thanks for the update. Sounds like it’ll be worth waiting for!

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